Area St Louis Genius creates Community Policing Mobile App to End Police Violence
Publicado por Gladys Kemunto en
"The Street Genius Has Arrived"
Area St Louis Genius creates Futuristic mobile App which aims to do away with Law Enforcement all together.
After growing tired of police brutality and the way things were going. A local St Louis protester put his signs down and jumped on his computer to create a mobile app that is aimed to develop a future without Law Enforcement.
“I was tired of what I was seeing, it isn’t just the police, but it’s the entire system that needs to be re-invented” Edward Thornton creator of loop stated. “The Fergous Riots happen right in my back yard and I decided to put my skills to use and my money where my mouth is in order to create the future of social networking and what I like to call peer-2-peer-policing”.
In The wake of the deaths George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, Edwards vision of a police-free society may be closer than even he expected. Emotions from videos which have surfaced on social media has lit a fire storm of emotions that has caused people to take to the streets in protest.This same angry Edward says is what lead him to create Loop
“As a child I was placed in a chock hold and strangled right in front of my mother so the anger of the people I know all so well” said Edward. “I Understand why people would be angry, but now I am calm, because Now I have develop solutions”.
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